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CARBZ is a cryptocurrency focused on the sale of carbon credits. It is a form of digital currency used to facilitate the buying and selling of carbon credits between companies and countries.
Carbon credits are units that represent the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. They function as a way to incentivize and reward companies or countries that go beyond the established emission limits. These credits can be bought and sold, allowing entities to offset their own emissions by financing emission reduction projects elsewhere. This practice contributes to combating climate change and promoting a more sustainable economy.
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CARBZ contributes to environmental sustainability by facilitating the buying and selling of carbon credits, thereby encouraging the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, CARBZ can be used to incentivize the implementation of emission reduction projects, such as the deployment of renewable energy sources.
Besides purchasing carbon credits, CARBZ can also be held as an investment or used in sustainability and emission reduction projects.
A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that uses cryptography to ensure transaction security and control the creation of new units. It operates in a decentralized manner, typically based on blockchain technology.
Cryptocurrencies work by using blockchain technology, which is a public ledger of all transactions. The transactions are verified and recorded by a network of distributed computers, making transactions more secure and transparent.
Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger technology that securely and immutably records all transactions of a cryptocurrency. It consists of blocks of information chained together, forming a complete transaction history.
Cryptocurrencies offer benefits such as enhanced transaction security, faster fund transfers, reduced intermediaries, and the possibility of global transactions without borders.
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